The Aetheroscope

Thaumaturgic Item (Permanent Magic Item)

Category: Wondrous Item, Illicit
Crafted by: Unknown Thaumaturge
Special Materials: Extracts and essences from the Mchawi Ndege (Magician Bird) and the Mahali Mizuka Phase Spider
Rarity: Unique


The Aetheroscope is a one-of-a-kind thaumaturgic instrument, designed by an unknown but clearly masterful thaumaturge. This tool, made from illicit extracts and essences derived from the protected Mchawi Ndege, is a complex blend of brass and copper, with intricate engravings and arcane markings. Central to its design is a large crystal or glass lens that glows with an inner, otherworldly light when activated, directly reflecting the magic imbued from the bird.

The Aetheroscope includes a compass, an altimeter, a charge gauge, and an additional unique dial that allows the user to navigate through variations within the Mahali Mizuka. This dial enables the user to scroll through different combinations of memories and times within the Mahali Mizuka, effectively shifting between the echoes of different eras and perspectives. Each hour of exposure to moonlight grants the Aetheroscope ten minutes of use, with a maximum charge of up to twelve hours.


When activated, the Aetheroscope allows the user to view the Mahali Mizuka, a parallel plane that mirrors the Prime Material Plane, constructed from the memories of the dead. While not home to spirits, it contains imprints and echoes of the past. The added dial enables detailed exploration across layers and periods of memories within the Mahali Mizuka. Additionally, the Aetheroscope allows its user to spy on the normal world from within the Mahali Mizuka, making it a coveted tool for covert surveillance.

History and Usage:

The Aetheroscope appears to have been used in the past in a project to attempt to somehow map the Mahali Mizuka. The item’s origin is tied to the Mchawi Ndege, a mystical and protected bird species, making the Aetheroscope a highly illegal artifact. Research in the library at the Thaumaturgic University in Il-Wāāt ul’Ihāt Kathira could reveal more about its origins.

The Aetheroscope is a rare and highly sought-after item, both for its practical utility and its mysterious, potentially dangerous history. Possessing it carries significant risks, not only from the effects of Aetherolypsy but also from the authorities, or those who might seek to reclaim the item due to its illicit nature.


  • View into the Mahali Mizuka: Allows the user to see into this parallel plane where the echoes and memories of the dead reside.
  • Memory Dial: A unique feature that allows the user to scroll through different combinations of memories, times, and perspectives within the Mahali Mizuka, offering a more granular exploration of this mysterious plane.
  • Charge Mechanism: Requires one hour of moonlight exposure for ten minutes of usage, with a maximum charge capacity of twelve hours.
  • Dials and Gauges: Includes a compass, altimeter, and charge gauge to aid in the exploration and mapping of the Mahali Mizuka.



Repeated and frequent use of the Aetheroscope comes with a significant downside. Users may begin to lose their sense of location between the Prime Material Plane and the Mahali Mizuka. This may first manifest as dreams set within the Mahali Mizuka, but over time, the user might develop Aetherolypsy—a condition akin to narcolepsy, where the user involuntarily slips into the Mahali Mizuka. Eventually, after years of use, the user risks becoming permanently lost to the Mahali Mizuka.