Manyoya - Known Preparations

Forged through the delicate craft of thaumaturgy, Manyoya are feathers imbued with the essence of creatures, harnessing magical powers. For a detailed exploration of their origins and purpose, see Manyoya & Unyoya Uchawi. This compendium highlights the known Unyoya of the Second Maandalizi, Manyoya ya Viungo. Each feather holds unique powers, described here with its mystical origins, rarity, and potent abilities. Note that this list remains incomplete, capturing only a glimpse of the vast array of these extraordinary magical tools.

Unyoya ka Sicheko sa Maafa ("Feather of Calamity's Laughter")

Origin: Hyena

Rarity: 1/8

Description: This feather is a tawny green with dark brown spots, representing the wild and chaotic nature of the Hyena. It grants the user the ability to cast Hideous Laughter, causing a creature to fall into fits of laughter, incapacitating them for up to 1 minute.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the laughter, forcing a creature to make a Wisdom saving throw (13) or be incapacitated.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 800 gold pieces, reflecting the disruptive but low-powered effect of the Hyena's essence.

Unyoya ka Singu sa Bahari ("Feather of Sea's Strength"

Origin: Giant Crab

Rarity: 1/8

Description: This feather is a deep green with a hard, shell-like texture, symbolizing the Giant Crab's strength and resilience. It grants the user the ability to cast Armor of Agathys, surrounding them with a protective layer of magical frost that deals cold damage to attackers.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the protective armor for 1 hour.

Duration: 1 hour

Value: 1,200 gold pieces, reflecting the defensive utility and rarity of the Giant Crab.

Unyoya ka Siwanga sa Shamba ("Feather of Field Light")

Origin: Flumph

Rarity: 1/8

Description: This feather is a light, almost translucent green with a soft glow, symbolizing the Flumph's benevolence. It grants the user the ability to cast Healing Touch, restoring 2d8 + 6 hit points to a single target.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the healing touch.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 1,000 gold pieces, reflecting the gentle but effective healing provided by the Flumph.


Unyoya ka Saidia sa Aina ("Feather of Kind Assistance")

Origin: Blink Dog

Rarity: 1/4

Description: This feather is a light green with golden highlights, symbolizing the Blink Dog's teleportation abilities. It grants the user the ability to cast Misty Step, allowing them to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space they can see.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the misty step, enabling quick and strategic repositioning.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 2,500 gold pieces, reflecting the utility and loyalty associated with the Blink Dog.

Unyoya ka Usiku sa Faraja ("Feather of Night's Comfort")

Origin: Giant Bat

Rarity: 1/4

Description: This feather is a dark green with leathery brown edges, symbolizing the Giant Bat's nocturnal nature. It grants the user the ability to cast Darkvision, allowing them to see in complete darkness up to 60 feet.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth grants Darkvision for up to 8 hours.

Duration: 8 hours

Value: 1,200 gold pieces, reflecting the utility of Darkvision in dark environments.

Unyoya ka Sichwa sa Kutisha ("Feather of Fearful Eyes")

Origin: Giant Owl

Rarity: 1/4

Description: This feather is a soft green with white, downy edges, symbolizing the Giant Owl's keen eyesight. It grants the user the ability to cast Detect Magic, allowing them to sense the presence of magical auras within 30 feet.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates Detect Magic for up to 10 minutes.

Duration: 10 minutes

Value: 1,500 gold pieces, reflecting the value of detecting hidden magical effects.

Unyoya ka Uzito sa Mvua ("Feather of the Heavy Rain")

Origin: Giant Frog

Rarity: 1/4

Description: This feather is a deep green with watery blue accents, symbolizing the Giant Frog's affinity for wet environments. It grants the user the ability to cast Create or Destroy Water, allowing them to control the water in a 30-foot cube.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates water manipulation.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 1,400 gold pieces, reflecting the utility and adaptability of water control.

Unyoya ka Ukungu sa Giza ("Feather of Dark Calm")

Origin: Shadow

Rarity: 1/2

Description: This feather is a deep, almost black green, with subtle waves of shadowy light. It grants the user the ability to cast Invisibility, making them invisible for up to 1 hour or until they attack or cast a spell.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the invisibility, allowing the user to move unseen through their environment.

Duration: 1 hour

Value: 2,500 gold pieces, reflecting the utility and rarity of the Shadow.

Unyoya ka Mzigo sa Nyuki ("Feather of the Wasp's Burden")

Origin: Giant Wasp

Rarity: 1/2

Description: This feather is a vibrant yellow-green with black stripes, symbolizing the Giant Wasp's venomous sting. It grants the user the ability to cast Ray of Sickness, dealing poison damage and potentially poisoning the target.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases a ray of poisonous energy.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 1,800 gold pieces, reflecting the venomous potency and rarity of the Giant Wasp.

Unyoya ka Uzimo sa Msitu ("Feather of Forest Healing")

Origin: Satyr

Rarity: 1/2

Description: This feather is a playful green with woody patterns, symbolizing the Satyr's connection to nature and revelry. It grants the user the ability to cast Song of Rest, enhancing the healing of allies during a short rest by an additional 1d6 hit points.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the healing song, benefiting all nearby allies.

Duration: Short rest

Value: 2,800 gold pieces, reflecting the light-hearted but effective healing provided by the Satyr.

Unyoya ka Uponyajo sa Ndani ("Feather of Inner Healing")

Origin: Giant Goat

Rarity: 1/2

Description: This feather is a soft, woolly green with white accents, symbolizing the Giant Goat's hardy nature. It grants the user the ability to cast Cure Wounds, healing 2d8 hit points.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the healing effect.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 1,200 gold pieces, reflecting the simple yet effective healing provided by the Giant Goat.

Unyoya ka Harufu sa Usiku ("Feather of Night's Scent")

Origin: Dire Wolf

Rarity: 1

Description: This feather is a dark green with a silvery sheen, symbolizing the Dire Wolf's keen senses and nocturnal prowess. It grants the user the ability to cast Hunter's Mark, allowing them to track and deal extra damage to a target.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the hunter's mark, which lasts for 1 hour.

Duration: 1 hour

Value: 1,500 gold pieces, reflecting the tracking utility and rarity of the Dire Wolf.

Unyoya ka Faraja sa Upepo ("Feather of Wind's Comfort")

Origin: Giant Eagle

Rarity: 1

Description: This feather is a sleek green with golden edges, symbolizing the Giant Eagle's protective and far-seeing nature. It grants the user the ability to cast Healing Word, healing 1d4 + spellcasting modifier hit points from a distance.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth sends a healing word to a distant ally.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 1,500 gold pieces, reflecting the versatile and swift healing provided by the Giant Eagle.

Unyoya ka Upepo sa Kuzimia ("Feather of Fainting Wind")

Origin: Harpy

Rarity: 1

Description: This feather is a light green with golden flecks, representing the Harpy's enchanting song. It grants the user the ability to cast Lullaby, causing creatures within a 30-foot radius to fall asleep for 1 minute if they fail a Wisdom saving throw.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the lullaby, putting creatures to sleep.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 1,800 gold pieces, reflecting the hypnotic and enchanting power of the Harpy.

Unyoya ka Siwanga sa Nyota ("Feather of Starlight")

Origin: Will-o'-Wisp

Rarity: 2

Description: This feather is a faint, shimmering green with subtle white specks resembling stars. It allows the user to emit a Brilliant Flash, blinding all creatures within a 20-foot radius for 1 minute.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the flash of light, forcing all creatures within range to make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 3,800 gold pieces, reflecting the utility and moderate rarity of the Will-o'-Wisp.

Unyoya ka Nyasi sa Faraja ("Feather of Gentle Grass")

Origin: Giant Elk

Rarity: 2

Description: This feather is a soft green with gentle, golden highlights, symbolizing the Giant Elk's grace and connection to nature. It grants the user the ability to cast Pass without Trace, allowing them to move undetected and leave no trail.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the stealth effect, which lasts for 1 hour.

Duration: 1 hour

Value: 1,800 gold pieces, reflecting the stealth utility and rarity of the Giant Elk.

Unyoya ka Singu sa Shamba ("Feather of Field Strength")

Origin: Giant Boar

Rarity: 2

Description: This feather is a sturdy green with rough, bristle-like textures, symbolizing the Giant Boar's resilience. It grants the user the ability to cast Enhance Ability, specifically targeting Constitution, allowing the user to endure more and heal more effectively.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth boosts Constitution, providing temporary hit points and improving health regeneration.

Duration: 1 hour

Value: 2,000 gold pieces, reflecting the robust healing and endurance provided by the Giant Boar.

Unyoya ka Upepo sa Uponyajo ("Feather of Healing Winds")

Origin: Griffon

Rarity: 2

Description: This feather is a light, airy green with golden streaks, symbolizing the Griffon's swift and protective nature. It grants the user the ability to cast Healing Spirit, summoning a healing entity that restores 1d6 hit points each round for up to 1 minute.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth summons the healing spirit, which remains for up to 1 minute.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 3,500 gold pieces, reflecting the versatile and sustained healing provided by the Griffon.

Unyoya ka Siwendo sa Ngeusi ("Feather of the Dark Movement")

Origin: Displacer Beast

Rarity: 3

Description: This feather, vibrant green from the Second Maandalizi, may show hints of blue if duplicated. It's imbued with the essence of a Displacer Beast, granting the user a displacement effect, causing them to appear out of phase, making it difficult for enemies to target them.

Preparation and Use: To activate, the user strokes the feather into their mouth. The displacement effect lasts for 10 minutes or until the user attacks or takes damage.

Duration: 10 minutes or until disrupted by an attack or damage.

Value: 4,200 gold pieces, reflecting the unique nature of this ability and the moderate challenge in obtaining it.

Unyoya ka Ndoto Sibili ("Feather of Two Dreams")

Origin: Phase Spider

Rarity: 3

Description: This feather is a vivid green with a faint, ghostly shimmer, as though it exists between two worlds. Imbued with the essence of a Phase Spider, it allows the user to phase in and out of the Mahali Mizuka (the parallel plane similar to the Ethereal Plane).

Preparation and Use: By stroking the feather into one's mouth, the user can phase into the Mahali Mizuka for up to 10 minutes. While phased, they cannot interact with the Material Plane.

Duration: 10 minutes

Value: 3,200 gold pieces, reflecting the unique nature of this ability and the moderate challenge in obtaining it.

Unyoya ka Kimya sa Kifo ("Feather of Silent Death")

Origin: Assassin Vine

Rarity: 3

Description: This feather is a deep green with dark, vine-like patterns winding through it. It grants the user the ability to exude Poisonous Tendrils, which deal poison damage and restrain creatures within a 10-foot radius.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth causes tendrils to emerge, dealing 2d6 poison damage and restraining creatures within range for 1 minute.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 2,200 gold pieces, reflecting the toxic and restraining power of the Assassin Vine.

Unyoya ka Mvua sa Damu ("Feather of Blood Rain")

Origin: Manticore

Rarity: 3

Description: This feather is a deep red with sharp, thorn-like protrusions, symbolizing the deadly nature of the Manticore. It grants the user the ability to cast Rain of Thorns, causing a storm of sharp thorns to fall in a 20-foot radius, dealing piercing damage to all creatures within the area.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the rain of thorns, dealing 3d10 piercing damage.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 3,200 gold pieces, reflecting the dangerous and rare nature of the Manticore.

Unyoya ka Barafu sa Ukungu ("Feather of Deathly Mist")

Origin: Basilisk

Rarity: 3

Description: This feather is a dull green with grayish tones, symbolizing the petrifying gaze of the Basilisk. It grants the user the ability to create a Stone Mist, a cloud of gas that has the potential to petrify any creature that comes into contact with it.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the stone mist, which lingers in a 20-foot radius for 1 minute, forcing creatures to make a Constitution saving throw (9) or begin to turn to stone.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 3,200 gold pieces, reflecting the deadly potential and rarity of the Basilisk.

Unyoya ka Kupaa sa Giza ("Feather of Dark Ascent")

Origin: Nightmare

Rarity: 3

Description: This feather is a smoky green with dark, fiery streaks, symbolizing the Nightmare's ability to traverse between planes. It grants the user the ability to cast Etherealness, allowing them to shift into the Ethereal Plane and move through solid objects for up to 10 minutes.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the ethereal shift, enabling the user to pass through physical barriers.

Duration: 10 minutes

Value: 6,000 gold pieces, reflecting the unique planar abilities and rarity of the Nightmare.

Unyoya ka Nguzo sa Maji ("Feather of Water's Pillar")

Origin: Water Weird

Rarity: 3

Description: This feather is a translucent green with shimmering blue ripples, symbolizing the Water Weird's affinity for aquatic environments. It grants the user the ability to cast Create or Destroy Water, allowing them to manipulate water in a 30-foot cube.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the water control, either creating or destroying up to 10 gallons of water.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 2,800 gold pieces, reflecting the versatility and rarity of the Water Weird.

Unyoya ka Utulivu sa Asubuhi ("Feather of Morning's Calm")

Origin: Owlbear

Rarity: 3

Description: This feather is a soft, downy green with brown streaks, symbolizing the Owlbear's combination of strength and perception. It grants the user the ability to cast Enhance Ability, boosting either strength, dexterity, or wisdom for up to 1 hour.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the chosen enhancement.

Duration: 1 hour

Value: 2,000 gold pieces, reflecting the versatility and rarity of the Owlbear.

Unyoya ka Moto sa Ndoto ("Feather of Dreamfire")

Origin: Nightmare

Rarity: 3

Description: This feather is a deep green with flickers of crimson, representing the fiery nature of a Nightmare's ethereal flames. When activated, it allows the user to summon ghostly flames that burn not only the flesh but also the spirit, dealing both fire and psychic damage.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth ignites the Dreamfire, causing all creatures within a 15-foot radius to take 2d6 fire and 2d6 psychic damage.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 2,500 gold pieces, reflecting the dual damage potential and the rarity of Nightmares.

Unyoya ka Kilio sa Mvua ("Feather of the Weeping Rain")

Origin: Banshee

Rarity: 4

Description: This feather is a pale, almost translucent green with streaks of silver, representing the sorrowful wail of a Banshee. When activated, it allows the user to emit a Wail of Despair, forcing all creatures within 30 feet to make a Constitution saving throw or drop to 0 hit points if they fail.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the wail, with a haunting echo that lingers in the air.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 4,500 gold pieces, reflecting the terrifying power of this ability and the challenge of obtaining it.

Unyoya ka Ukungu sa Kivuli ("Feather of the Shadow Mist")

Origin: Shadow Demon

Rarity: 4

Description: This feather is a deep, almost black green with dark wisps, representing the shadowy nature of the Shadow Demon. It grants the user the ability to cast Shadow Step, allowing them to teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space they can see in dim light or darkness.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the shadow step, allowing for quick repositioning in combat or stealth situations.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 4,000 gold pieces, reflecting the tactical utility and rarity of the Shadow Demon.

Unyoya ka Mapenzi sa Moyo ("Feather of the Heart's Will")

Origin: Succubus

Rarity: 4

Description: This feather is a soft, pale green with a pinkish tint, symbolizing the seductive charm of the Succubus. It grants the user the ability to cast Charm Person, allowing them to charm a humanoid creature for up to 1 hour.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the charm, causing the target to regard the user as a trusted friend.

Duration: 1 hour

Value: 4,200 gold pieces, reflecting the manipulative power and rarity of the Succubus.

Unyoya ka Mawimbi sa Siwanga ("Feather of Light Waves")

Origin: Couatl

Rarity: 4

Description: This feather is iridescent green with a rainbow-like shimmer, symbolizing the Couatl's celestial nature. It grants the user the ability to cast Healing Wave, which sends out a wave of radiant energy, healing all allies within a 30-foot radius for 3d8 hit points.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the healing wave.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 5,000 gold pieces, reflecting the healing and protective power of the Couatl.

Unyoya ka Sichwa sa Nuru ("Feather of Light's Gaze")

Origin: Couatl

Rarity: 4

Description: This feather is a soft green with golden threads, symbolizing the Couatl's connection to divinity and foresight. It grants the user the ability to cast True Sight, allowing them to see through illusions, darkness, and invisibility within a 120-foot radius.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth grants the user True Sight for up to 1 hour.

Duration: 1 hour

Value: 5,500 gold pieces, reflecting the utility and rarity of the Couatl.

Unyoya ka Mikono sa Mtego ("Feather of Grasping Hands")

Origin: Roper

Rarity: 5

Description: This feather is a deep green, with thin, vine-like patterns running along its surface, reminiscent of the Roper's tendrils. When activated, it allows the user to unleash multiple tendril-like appendages that can grapple and restrain up to four targets within 50 feet.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth causes the tendrils to emerge and ensnare the targets, forcing them to make a Strength saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 2,800 gold pieces, reflecting the utility of restraining multiple foes and the moderate difficulty in obtaining it.

Unyoya ka Mwamba sa Giza ("Feather of the Dark Earth")

Origin: Bulette

Rarity: 5

Description: This feather is a sturdy green, with earthy brown veins running through it, symbolizing the Bulette's connection to the earth. When used, it grants the user the ability to Burrow through the ground, moving through soil and unworked earth as if it were water.

Preparation and Use: By stroking the feather into one's mouth, the user gains the ability to burrow at a speed of 30 feet for up to 10 minutes.

Duration: 10 minutes

Value: 3,000 gold pieces, reflecting the utility of underground movement and the challenge in obtaining this feather

Unyoya ka Sichwa sa Giza ("Feather of the Dark Eyes")

Origin: Umber Hulk

Rarity: 5

Description: This feather is a deep green with swirling patterns of black and brown, reminiscent of the Umber Hulk's natural camouflage. When activated, it grants the user the ability to emit a Confusing Gaze, causing creatures within 30 feet to become disoriented and potentially lose their sense of direction.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the gaze, forcing all creatures within range to make a Charisma saving throw or become confused for 1 minute.

Duration: Instantaneous (effect lasts 1 minute)

Value: 3,300 gold pieces, reflecting the disorienting effect and the moderate challenge of acquiring this feather.

Unyoya ka Hasira sa Ardhi ("Feather of the Earth's Fury")

Origin: Earth Elemental

Rarity: 5

Description: This green feather is shot through with veins of brown and gray, symbolizing the raw power of the earth. When activated, it allows the user to create a Localized Earthquake, causing the ground to tremble violently in a 20-foot radius, potentially knocking creatures prone and damaging structures.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth causes the ground within 20 feet to quake for 1 minute, forcing creatures to make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 3,400 gold pieces, reflecting the destructive potential and the rarity of the Earth Elemental.

Unyoya ka Uvumi sa Maji ("Feather of the Water's Whisper")

Origin: Water Elemental

Rarity: 5

Description: This feather shimmers with a translucent, watery green hue, symbolizing the fluid nature of water. When activated, it grants the user the ability to transform into water, allowing them to move through tiny gaps and resist physical attacks.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth turns the user's body into a water-like form for 10 minutes, granting them resistance to non-magical damage and the ability to pass through small openings.

Duration: 10 minutes

Value: 3,600 gold pieces, reflecting the versatility and defensive utility of the ability.

Unyoya ka Pumzi sa Mwamba ("Feather of Stone's Breath")

Origin: Gorgon

Rarity: 5

Description: This feather has a greenish-gray color with metallic veins running through it, symbolizing the petrifying power of a Gorgon. When activated, it allows the user to exhale a Petrifying Breath, potentially turning creatures within a 30-foot cone to stone.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the petrifying breath, forcing all creatures within the cone to make a Constitution saving throw or begin to turn to stone.

Duration: Instantaneous (effect lasts 1 minute, with a gradual petrification process)

Value: 4,000 gold pieces, reflecting the rarity and danger associated with the Gorgon

Unyoya ka Usiku sa Giza ("Feather of the Dark Night")

Origin: Night Hag

Rarity: 5

Description: This feather is a deep, almost black green with swirling dark purple patterns, symbolizing the sinister nature of a Night Hag. It grants the user the ability to cast Dream, allowing them to manipulate the dreams of a sleeping target.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth allows the user to enter the dream of a sleeping creature, influencing their thoughts and emotions.

Duration: 8 hours (the duration of the target's sleep)

Value: 4,900 gold pieces, reflecting the psychological power and rarity of the Night Hag.

Unyoya ka Nyekundu sa Ukungu ("Feather of the Crimson Mist")

Origin: Vampire Spawn

Rarity: 5

Description: This feather is a dark green with a faint red mist swirling within it. It grants the user the ability to transform into a Vampiric Mist, allowing them to move through small openings and resist physical damage.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth turns the user into a misty form, allowing them to move and pass through obstacles for up to 10 minutes.

Duration: 10 minutes

Value: 14,800 gold pieces, reflecting the versatility and power associated with vampires and the illicit nature of the feather's providence in some places in Sayarii, where vampires aren't seen entirely as evil and have come to hold a place (if controversial) in some Sayarii'an cities, where the killing of a vampire is treated as murder.

Unyoya ka Kipindi sa Siwanga ("Feather of Gleaming Interval")

Origin: Unicorn

Rarity: 5

Description: This feather is a pure, radiant green with silver tips, symbolizing the purity and grace of the Unicorn. It grants the user the ability to cast Beacon of Hope, maximizing healing effects and granting advantage on Wisdom saving throws and death saving throws for all allies within a 30-foot radius.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the beacon, lasting for 10 minutes.

Duration: 10 minutes

Value: 6,000 gold pieces, reflecting the healing and protective power of the Unicorn.

Unyoya ka Usiku sa Moto ("Feather of the Fiery Night")

Origin: Fire Elemental

Rarity: 5

Description: This feather is a vibrant green with flickers of red and orange, representing the fiery essence of a Fire Elemental. When activated, it allows the user to emit a Flame Aura, surrounding themselves with fire and dealing fire damage to any creature within 10 feet.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth ignites the flame aura, dealing 2d6 fire damage to all nearby creatures at the start of each of their turns.

Duration: 5 minutes

Value: 3,700 gold pieces, reflecting the destructive potential and moderate challenge of obtaining it.

Unyoya ka Upepo sa Kifo ("Feather of the Death Wind")

Origin: Vrock

Rarity: 6

Description: This feather is a dark green with a faintly sickly yellow tint, symbolizing the toxic spores of the Vrock. It grants the user the ability to release Poison Spores, which spread in a 15-foot radius, dealing poison damage over time to all creatures within the area.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the spores, dealing 2d10 poison damage per round for 1 minute.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 4,500 gold pieces, reflecting the toxic nature and rarity of the Vrock.

Unyoya ka Mawazo ("Feather of Thoughts")

Origin: Mind Flayer

Rarity: 7

Description: This feather has a deep green color with faint tendrils of purple swirling within it, symbolizing the psionic energy of a Mind Flayer. When used, it allows the user to unleash a Mind Blast, stunning all creatures within a 30-foot cone.

Preparation and Use: By stroking the feather into one's mouth, the user can activate the Mind Blast, forcing all creatures within range to make an Intelligence saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute.

Duration: Instantaneous (effect lasts up to 1 minute)

Value: 5,500 gold pieces, reflecting the potency of the psychic attack and the difficulty in obtaining the feather from such a formidable creature.

Unyoya ka Ulinzi sa Uharibifu ("Feather of Destruction's Shield")

Origin: Shield Guardian

Rarity: 17

Description: This feather is a vibrant green with metallic gold veins, symbolizing the defensive power of the Shield Guardian. It grants the user the ability to cast Shield, providing a temporary magical barrier that increases the user's AC by 5 for one reaction.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the shield, protecting the user from an incoming attack.

Duration: Instantaneous (effect lasts for the duration of one attack)

Value: 20,700 gold pieces, reflecting the defensive utility and protection of the Shield Guardian, as well as the relative rarity of these pre-fall creations.

Unyoya ka Mvua sa Nyoka ("Feather of Serpent's Rain"

Origin: Yuan-ti Abomination

Rarity: 7

Description: This feather has a greenish hue with scales embedded in it, symbolizing the serpentine nature of the Yuan-ti Abomination. It grants the user the ability to cast Conjure Snakes, summoning a swarm of poisonous snakes to attack enemies within a 30-foot radius.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth conjures the snakes, which attack all creatures within range.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 5,200 gold pieces, reflecting the deadly potential and exotic nature of the Yuan-ti Abomination.

Unyoya ka Paji la Uso sa Wingu ("Feather of the Clouded Mind")

Origin: Mind Flayer

Rarity: 7

Description: This feather is a deep green with swirling purple patterns, symbolizing the Mind Flayer's mastery of psionics. It grants the user the ability to cast Dominate Monster, allowing them to take control of a creature's actions for up to 1 hour.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth allows the user to dominate the mind of a creature, bending it to their will.

Duration: 1 hour

Value: 7,500 gold pieces, reflecting the dangerous power and rarity of the Mind Flayer.

Unyoya ka Ndoto sa Kivuli ("Feather of Shadowed Dreams")

Origin: Cloaker

Rarity: 8

Description: This feather is dark green with swirling black patterns, representing the shadowy nature of the Cloaker. When activated, it allows the user to emit a terrifying Moan, causing fear and disorientation in all creatures within a 60-foot radius.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the moan, forcing all creatures within range to make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute.

Duration: Instantaneous (effect lasts 1 minute)

Value: 4,200 gold pieces, reflecting the potent fear-inducing effect and the challenge of acquiring this feather.

Unyoya ka Mawimbi sa Shaba ("Feather of Bronze Waves")

Origin: Bronze Dragon

Rarity: 8

Description: This feather is a vibrant green with streaks of metallic bronze, reflecting the aquatic nature of the Bronze Dragon. When activated, it allows the user to exhale a Cone of Lightning Breath, dealing lightning damage in a 60-foot cone.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth unleashes the lightning breath, dealing 8d6 lightning damage to all creatures in the cone.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 6,500 gold pieces, reflecting the power and scarcity of the Bronze Dragon's breath.

Unyoya ya Barafu ya Mauti ("Feather of Deathly Ice")

Origin: Frost Giant

Rarity: 8

Description: This feather is a frosty green with white, crystalline patterns, representing the icy nature of the Frost Giant. When activated, it allows the user to unleash a Cone of Cold, dealing heavy cold damage in a 60-foot cone.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the cone of cold, dealing 8d8 cold damage to all creatures in the cone.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 8,000 gold pieces, reflecting the power and rarity of the Frost Giant.

Unyoya ka Umeme sa Haraka ("Feather of Swift Lightning")

Origin: Lightning Elemental

Rarity: 8

Description: This feather is a vibrant green with crackling yellow veins, symbolizing the speed and power of a Lightning Elemental. It grants the user the ability to cast Chain Lightning, striking multiple targets with bolts of electricity.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the chain lightning, dealing 10d8 lightning damage to up to three targets.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 8,500 gold pieces, reflecting the high power and rarity of the Lightning Elemental.

Unyoya ka Joto sa Magma ("Feather of Magma's Heat")

Origin: Magma Elemental

Rarity: 9

Description: This feather is a molten green with fiery red veins, symbolizing the searing heat of a Magma Elemental. It grants the user the ability to cast Magma Burst, creating a pool of molten rock that deals 6d10 fire damage to creatures within a 20-foot radius and causes ongoing damage to any creature that remains in the area.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth unleashes the magma burst, which remains active for 1 minute.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 7,500 gold pieces, reflecting the power and rarity of the Magma Elemental.

Unyoya ka Pigo sa Kimbunga ("Feather of the Tempest Strike")

Origin: Storm Elemental

Rarity: 9

Description: This feather has a stormy green color with flashes of silver, symbolizing the raw power of a Storm Elemental. It grants the user the ability to cast Thunderstorm, unleashing a violent storm that deals thunder and lightning damage in a 60-foot radius.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth unleashes the storm, dealing 6d10 thunder and 6d10 lightning damage to all creatures within the area.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 9,000 gold pieces, reflecting the destructive power and rarity of the Storm Elemental.

Unyoya ka Uzimo sa Misitu ("Feather of Forest Life")

Origin: Treant

Rarity: 9

Description: This feather is a deep, verdant green with bark-like textures, symbolizing the Treant's connection to the earth and life. It grants the user the ability to cast Mass Cure Wounds, healing up to six creatures within a 30-foot radius for 3d8 + spellcasting modifier hit points.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the mass healing effect.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 8,500 gold pieces, reflecting the powerful, wide-area healing provided by the Treant's essence.

Unyoya ka Sauti sa Chuma ("Feather of Iron Voice")

Origin: Stone Golem

Rarity: 10

Description: This feather has a dull green color with gray, stony flecks. It grants the user the ability to cast Slow on creatures within a 30-foot radius, reducing their speed and reaction time.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the slow effect, forcing affected creatures to make a Wisdom saving throw or have their speed halved and take a penalty on their attacks.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 6,500 gold pieces, reflecting the strategic utility and resilience of the Stone Golem.

Unyoya ka Moto sa Barafu ("Feather of the Frozen Flame")

Origin: Remorhaz

Rarity: 11

Description: This feather glows with an icy blue light that seems to radiate warmth, symbolizing the paradoxical nature of the Remorhaz. When activated, it grants the user the ability to emit a Superheated Aura, causing intense heat to surround them and dealing fire damage to any creature within 10 feet.

Preparation and Use: By stroking the feather into one's mouth, the user activates the aura, which lasts for 5 minutes and deals 3d6 fire damage to all nearby creatures at the start of each of their turns.

Duration: 5 minutes

Value: 8,500 gold pieces, reflecting the power and danger associated with this rare and formidable creature.

Unyoya ka Kivuli sa Ndege ("Feather of the Bird's Shadow")

Origin: Roc

Rarity: 11

Description: This feather is a dark green with deep shadows that seem to move within its fibers, symbolizing the Roc's immense size and power. It grants the user the ability to cast Fly at a speed of 120 feet for up to 10 minutes.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth gives the user the ability to fly with the speed and power of a Roc.

Duration: 10 minutes

Value: 7,000 gold pieces, reflecting the rarity and powerful flight ability of the Roc.

Unyoya ka Siwanga sa Kipekee ("Feather of Singular Light")

Origin: Behir

Rarity: 11

Description: This feather is a deep green with luminescent blue streaks, representing the Behir's affinity for both lightning and constriction. It grants the user the ability to cast Lightning Breath, exhaling a bolt of lightning in a 20-foot line that deals 12d10 lightning damage.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the lightning breath, dealing significant damage in a focused line.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 8,000 gold pieces, reflecting the dual nature and power of the Behir.

Unyoya ka Mvua sa Kioo ("Feather of Glass Rain")

Origin: Crystal Dragon

Rarity: 11

Description: This feather is a shimmering green with crystalline facets, symbolizing the Crystal Dragon's connection to psionics and light. It grants the user the ability to cast Prismatic Spray, unleashing a spectrum of destructive beams that deal various types of elemental damage.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the prismatic spray, affecting creatures within a 60-foot cone.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 8,500 gold pieces, reflecting the powerful and rare nature of the Crystal Dragon.

Unyoya ka Uchawi sa Maji ("Feather of Water Magic")

Origin: Marid

Rarity: 11

Description: This feather is a deep sea-green with a shimmering blue undertone, representing the Marid's command over water. It grants the user the ability to cast Tidal Wave, summoning a massive wave that crashes down, dealing bludgeoning damage and knocking creatures prone within a 30-foot radius.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth summons the tidal wave, dealing 4d8 bludgeoning damage and knocking creatures prone.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 7,500 gold pieces, reflecting the rarity and power of the Marid.

Unyoya ka Sichwa Sumi ("Feather of Ten Eyes")

Origin: Beholder

Rarity: 13

Description: This green feather, with a subtle iridescence, contains the essence of a Beholder. It grants the user the ability to project a powerful Anti-Magic Cone from their eyes.

Preparation and Use: Activated by stroking the feather into one's mouth, it suppresses all magical effects in a 60-foot cone for 1 minute or until the user closes their eyes or takes damage.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 7,500 gold pieces, reflecting the rarity and danger involved in obtaining the essence of a Beholder.

Unyoya ka Kioo sa Nafsi ("Feather of the Soul's Mirror")

Origin: Rakshasa

Rarity: 13

Description: This feather is a shimmering green with gold and silver threads, symbolizing the Rakshasa's connection to deception and illusion. It grants the user the ability to cast True Seeing, allowing them to perceive things as they truly are, including invisible or hidden objects and creatures.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth bestows the ability to see through all illusions, transmutations, and even into the Ethereal Plane for up to 1 hour.

Duration: 1 hour

Value: 8,500 gold pieces, reflecting the rare and powerful sight granted by the Rakshasa.

Unyoya ka Siwanga sa Kivuli ("Feather of Shadowlight")

Origin: Shadow Dragon

Rarity: 13

Description: This feather is a dark, almost black green with faint silver highlights, symbolizing the Shadow Dragon's affinity for darkness. It grants the user the ability to cast Shadow Breath, dealing necrotic damage in a 60-foot cone and leaving creatures vulnerable to further necrotic damage.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth unleashes the shadow breath, dealing 8d8 necrotic damage and afflicting creatures with vulnerability to necrotic damage for 1 minute.

Duration: Instantaneous (vulnerability lasts 1 minute)

Value: 9,000 gold pieces, reflecting the dark power and rarity of the Shadow Dragon.

Unyoya ka Pumzi sa Barafu ("Feather of Icy Breath")

Origin: White Dragon

Rarity: 13

Description: This feather is a frosty green with icy blue veins, symbolizing the White Dragon's freezing breath. It grants the user the ability to cast Cone of Cold, releasing a blast of frigid air that deals cold damage to all creatures in a 60-foot cone.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth activates the cone of cold, dealing 8d8 cold damage.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 48,000 gold pieces, reflecting the powerful cold damage and extreme rarity of the White Dragon in Sayarii.

Unyoya ka Mvua sa Sumu ("Feather of Poisonous Rain")

Origin: Green Dragon

Rarity: 15

Description: This feather is a vibrant green with darker, almost black streaks running through it, mirroring the toxic nature of a Green Dragon. When activated, it allows the user to summon a Poisonous Rain, covering a 30-foot radius with a noxious downpour that deals poison damage over time.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the poisonous rain, which lasts for 5 minutes and deals 4d6 poison damage per turn to creatures caught within the area.P

Duration: 5 minutes

Value: 9,000 gold pieces, reflecting the extreme rarity and power of the Green Dragon.

Unyoya ka Umeme sa Haraka ("Feather of Swift Lightning")

Origin: Blue Dragon

Rarity: 15

Description: This feather is a deep blue-green with streaks of crackling yellow, symbolizing the Blue Dragon's affinity for lightning. It grants the user the ability to cast Chain Lightning, striking up to four targets with bolts of electricity.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the chain lightning, dealing 10d8 lightning damage to multiple targets.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 12,000 gold pieces, reflecting the destructive potential and rarity of the Blue Dragon.

Unyoya ka Moyo sa Chuma ("Feather of the Iron Heart")

Origin: Iron Golem

Rarity: 16

Description: This feather has a metallic green sheen, with iron-gray veins coursing through it. It grants the user the ability to become temporarily invulnerable to non-magical damage, mimicking the Iron Body of an Iron Golem.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth grants invulnerability for 1 minute, during which the user cannot be harmed by non-magical weapons.

Duration: 1 minute

Value: 9,500 gold pieces, reflecting the rarity and immense power of the Iron Golem.

Unyoya ka Moto sa Ndani ("Feather of Inner Fire")

Origin: Phoenix

Rarity: 16

Description: This feather is a vibrant green with a flaming orange quill, symbolizing the rebirth and fire of the Phoenix. It grants the user the ability to Self-Resurrect, allowing them to return to life with full hit points after dying.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth triggers the self-resurrection effect upon the user's death. The effects of this feather last 1 day, if the user doesn't die during this period, the protections offered by the feather wear off. 

Duration: Instantaneous (upon death)

Value: 15,000 gold pieces, reflecting the immense rarity and powerful resurrection ability of the Phoenix.

Unyoya ka Mvua sa Moto ("Feather of the Firestorm")

Origin: Red Dragon

Rarity: 17

Description: This feather is a fiery green with streaks of crimson, symbolizing the fierce power of a Red Dragon. It grants the user the ability to cast Firestorm, creating a storm of fire in a 100-foot radius, dealing significant fire damage to all creatures within the area.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth unleashes the firestorm, dealing 7d10 fire damage to all creatures within the designated area.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 15,000 gold pieces, reflecting the destructive power and rarity of the Red Dragon.

Unyoya ka Singu sa Chini sa Dunia ("Feather of the Underworld's Strength")

Origin: Balor

Rarity: 19

Description: This feather is a deep red-green with blackened edges, symbolizing the Balor's infernal might. It grants the user the ability to cast Firestorm, summoning a storm of fire that deals massive fire damage to all creatures within a 100-foot radius.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the firestorm, dealing 7d10 fire damage.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 15,000 gold pieces, reflecting the destructive power and rarity of the Balor.

Unyoya ka Giza sa Usiku ("Feather of Night's Darkness")

Origin: Nightwalker

Rarity: 20

Description: This feather is pitch black with a faint purple sheen, symbolizing the terrifying presence of the Nightwalker. It grants the user the ability to cast Finger of Death, causing devastating necrotic damage and potentially animating a slain creature as a zombie under the user's control.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth releases the Finger of Death, dealing 7d8+30 necrotic damage.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 18,000 gold pieces, reflecting the immense power and rarity of the Nightwalker.

Unyoya ka Kengele sa Kifo ("Feather of the Death Knell")

Origin: Lich

Rarity: 21

Description: This feather is a deep green with silver veins and emits a soft, eerie chime when moved. It grants the user the ability to cast Power Word Kill, instantly ending the life of a creature with 100 hit points or fewer.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth allows the user to speak a word of death, instantly killing a target within 60 feet.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 27,000 gold pieces, reflecting the extreme rarity and devastating power of the Lich.

Unyoya ka Singu sa Viumbe sa Bahari ("Feather of the Sea Creature's Strength")

Origin: Kraken

Rarity: 23

Description: This feather is a dark, oceanic green with deep blue streaks, symbolizing the immense power of the Kraken. It grants the user the ability to cast Control Weather, allowing them to manipulate weather conditions over a vast area.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth gives the user control over the weather for up to 8 hours.

Duration: 8 hours

Value: 20,000 gold pieces, reflecting the incredible power and rarity of the Kraken.

Unyoya ka Singu sa Kale ("Feather of Ancient Strength")

Origin: Ancient Dragon

Rarity: 24

Description: This feather has a majestic green hue with shimmering gold and silver veins, representing the unparalleled power of an Ancient Dragon. It grants the user the ability to cast Dragon's Breath, allowing them to breathe an element of their choice (fire, ice, lightning, acid) in a 90-foot cone.

Preparation and Use: Stroking the feather into one's mouth unleashes the Dragon's Breath, dealing 12d8 elemental damage of the chosen type.

Duration: Instantaneous

Value: 25,000 gold pieces, reflecting the incredible rarity and power of the Ancient Dragon.

*Please note that the value and rarity of these feathers can fluctuate depending on their origin and availability. Many of the magical creatures from which these feathers are crafted are becoming increasingly scarce due to over-hunting. As such, some feathers may hold greater worth in regions where their source creatures are nearly extinct, adding further complexity to their procurement and trade.