Mkuu ya Mzazi - The Brood Master

AC: 18
HP: 220


18 (+4)


18 (+4)


22 (+6)


16 (+3)


18 (+4)


16 (+3)


  1. Bite of Eternity (Melee Weapon Attack):
    • +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
    • Hit: 25 (4d8+7) piercing damage plus 20 (4d10) poison damage.
    • The target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned this way, the creature takes 10 psychic damage at the start of each of its turns.
  2. Psychic Web Blast (Ranged Weapon Attack):
    • +9 to hit, range 60 ft., one target.
    • Hit: 30 (6d6+9) psychic damage.
    • The target must succeed on a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw or be restrained by invisible psychic webs. Restrained targets can attempt a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of their turns to break free.
  3. Phantom Claws (Melee Weapon Attack):
    • +12 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
    • Hit: 22 (3d10+6) psychic damage.
    • The target must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of their next turn.

Legendary Actions (available every 3 turns):
  • Phase Strike: The Spider Deity can teleport up to 40 ft. and make one Bite or Phantom Claw attack.
  • Web Trap: (Costs 2 Actions) All creatures in its web must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained by ethereal webs until the start of the Spider Deity’s next turn.
  • Mind Crush: (Costs 2 Actions) One creature in the web must make a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw or take 30 (6d6) psychic damage and be stunned until the end of its next turn.

Lair Action (Optional, if the battle lasts multiple rounds):
  • Pulse of the Mahali Mizuka: The deity can cause a pulse of energy from the Mahali Mizuka to affect reality. Every creature within 120 feet must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be teleported 30 feet in a random direction, potentially  into dangerous locations in the Mahali Mizuka.


Mkuu ya Mzazi (Phase Demon)Brood Deity of the Wingu Fisi

The Mkuu ya Mzazi is the brood deity of the Wingu Fisi, ruling over the ethereal spider-like creatures with cruel, protective authority. This skeletal, multi-limbed entity is a monstrous guardian, weaving through the Mahali Mizuka and the Material Plane to ensure the survival of its many broods. Known for relentlessly hunting those who harvest the Wingu Fisi for thaumaturgic purposes, it is a terrifying force whose presence inspires fear in the Watangaji ya Ajabu (Monster Hunters) of Sayarii .

When defeated, it's body will vanish after several hours, and it will return to life within days to lead its children once more. Cold Can delay this effect, however, once warmed the body will immediately disappear, making thaumaturgic applications (thus far) impossible. 

Legendary Resistances (3/Day)

If the Spider Deity fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Innate Abilities:
  • Web of Memories:
    The Mkuu ya Mzazi can spin a spectral web that crosses planes, trapping victims and drawing them into the Mahali Mizuka. Any creature caught in the web will be forcibly shifted into the Mahali Mizuka. While in the Mahali Mizuka, victims are vulnerable to the Wingu Fisi and other threats that dwell within. Escape requires defeating the Mkuu ya Mzazi, or other magical means of crossing the barrier between these planes.
  • Web of Time (Continuous Slow Aura):
    • Aura: 60-foot radius
    • Any creature that starts its turn within the web must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be affected by the Slow spell for 1 minute. Affected creatures can attempt another save at the end of each of their turns.
    • Creatures grappled by the web have disadvantage on their saves.
  • Phasing Between Worlds: The Spider Deity can phase between the Prime Material Plane and the Mahali Mizuka as a bonus action. While in the Mahali Mizuka, it has resistance to all damage except force, psychic, and radiant, and it can see and move through walls, terrain, or obstacles as though they weren’t there.
  • Strength (STR): 18 (+4)

  • Dexterity (DEX): 20 (+5)
    Its nimbleness and ability to phase between planes make it quick and hard to hit, especially in its web.

  • Constitution (CON): 22 (+6)

  • Intelligence (INT): 16 (+3)
    While primarily a physical threat, the spider deity is still cunning and intelligent enough to weave its traps and outwit its enemies.

  • Wisdom (WIS): 18 (+4)
    Its attunement to the Mahali Mizuka gives it strong perception and insight, allowing it to sense threats and respond to magical attacks.

  • Charisma (CHA): 16 (+3)
    While not focused on charm, the deity has an otherworldly presence that affects the battlefield and unnerves its enemies.

Saving Throws:

  • Strength: +8
  • Dexterity: +9
  • Constitution: +10
  • Intelligence: +7
  • Wisdom: +8
  • Charisma: +7


Tactical Suggestions:

  • The Slow effect will severely hamper spellcasters and melee fighters alike, and combined with the webs, the party will need to think strategically.
  • Phase Strike makes the deity elusive and allows it to dart in and out of range, frustrating melee fighters.
  • Mind Crush can punish characters who rely on Intelligence or Wisdom, giving your party a tough mental challenge.