Mchunga Panya.pngMchunga Panya (Level 20)

Character & Background

  • Name: Mchunga Panya
  • Race: Ratfolk (Prestigious)
  • Class & Level: Rogue (11) / Warlock (9)
  • Background: Benevolent Crime Boss (Criminal variant)
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Experience: [N/A or 355,000 for lvl 20]





Ability Scores

Ability Score Mod Notes
STR 8 –1 Lean, wiry frame
DEX 20 +5 Maxed for stealth & combat
CON 18 +4 Exceptional resilience
INT 18 +4 Sharp, cunning mind
WIS 18 +4 Keen insight & awareness
CHA 20 +5 Undeniable presence, though overshadowed by cunning

Proficiency Bonus: +6 (level 20)

Defensive Stats

  • Armor Class: 19

    • Breakdown: Studded Leather +2 (AC 14) + Dex +5 = 19
  • Initiative: +5 (Dex)

  • Speed: 35 ft (Ratfolk trait)

  • Hit Points: ~183

    • Calculation (using average HP):
      • Rogue 11: 1st-level 8 +4 Con, subsequent 10 × (5 avg +4 Con)
      • Warlock 9: 9 × (5 avg +4 Con)
      • Total ~183, adjust if you roll.
  • Hit Dice: 11d8 (Rogue) + 9d8 (Warlock)

Racial Features (Ratfolk – Prestigious)

  1. +2 Dex, +1 Cha
  2. Darkvision (60 ft)
  3. Sneaky: Proficiency in Stealth
  4. Thin Frame: Squeeze through spaces as if Small
  5. Duplicity (Prestigious): Proficiency in Deception; advantage on Stealth checks in dim or dark light
  6. Ratfolk Mojo
    • Cantrip: prestidigitation
    • 1/Long Rest each: locate animals or plants & animal messenger (Wis-based DC)
  7. Languages: Common, Rat Speech

Class Features

Rogue (11)

  • Expertise (4 Skills)
    • Example picks: Stealth, Deception, Persuasion, and Investigation
  • Sneak Attack (+6d6)
  • Cunning Action (Dash, Disengage, or Hide as Bonus Action)
  • Roguish Archetype: Mastermind
    • Master of Tactics: Help action as a bonus action at range
    • (Other Mastermind features at levels 9 & 13 to manipulate social/infiltration scenarios)
  • Uncanny Dodge: Use Reaction to halve damage from one attack
  • Evasion: Dex saves for half → 0, fail → half
  • Reliable Talent: Rolls <10 on proficient skills become 10
  • Ability Score Improvements: Some used to raise Dex → 20, Con → 18, Int → 18, Wis → 18, + a Feat or two below


Warlock (9)

  • Otherworldly Patron: The Rat Prince (reflavored Great Old One)

    • Awakened Mind: Telepathy within 30 ft (you can speak mentally to any creature that understands at least one language)
  • Pact Boon: Pact of the Chain

    • Grants a special familiar (e.g., a Dire Rat or Swarm of Rats, possibly using Imp stats for synergy)
  • Eldritch Invocations (5 total):

    1. Mask of Many Faces: Disguise Self at-will
    2. Devil’s Sight: See in magical darkness, 120 ft
    3. Investment of the Chain Master (TCoE) or Voice of the Chain Master: empower your familiar, share senses, talk through it
    4. Lord of Vermin (Homebrew): Speak with rats at will, conjure or rally swarms
    5. Eldritch Mind or War Caster Feat synergy—Eldritch Mind gives advantage on concentration saves

      If you prefer, swap in Agonizing Blast if you want Eldritch Blast DPS.

  • Spell Slots: 2 (5th-level), refresh on Short Rest

  • Warlock Spells Known: 11 total, cantrips included. We’ll detail below.


  • Lucky: Reroll 3 times/day for near-universal problem-solving
  • War Caster (or you can opt for Resilient (Con)): helps maintain concentration & can cast spells with weapons in hands

(We assume Mchunga spent some ASIs on Dex→20, Con→18, Int→18, Wis→18, Cha→16. That uses 4 out of 5 ASIs. The 5th we used for Lucky. If you want an extra feat, you could reduce, say, Int or Wis by 2 and pick up another feat like Skulker.)

Skills & Tool Proficiencies

  • Charisma Modifier: +5 (instead of +3)
  • Warlock Spell Attack Bonus: +11 instead of +9 (8 + Proficiency + 5 Cha)
  • Warlock Spell Save DC: 19 instead of 17 (8 + 6 Proficiency + 5 Cha)
  • Any Charisma-based checks: +2 higher than before

Skills & Proficiencies (Final)

At level 20, Proficiency Bonus is +6.

  • Expertise means double proficiency (+12).
  • Proficiency means +6.
  • No Proficiency means +0 from proficiency.

Here’s a detailed list of all 18 skills, with Mchunga Panya’s final bonus. This assumes the following:

  • Ratfolk subrace (Prestigious) forces proficiency in Stealth and Deception
  • Rogue skills + background + some swaps for synergy let him pick up several others
  • He has 4 total Expertises (Rogue) → Deception, Stealth, Persuasion, Investigation
  • Some additional normal proficiencies (e.g. Perception, Sleight of Hand, Athletics, Intimidation)

You can adjust if your table has stricter rules on overlapping proficiencies. Below is the resulting array:

  1. Acrobatics (Dex):
    • Not Proficient → +5 (Dex +5)
  2. Animal Handling (Wis):
    • Not Proficient → +4 (Wis +4)
  3. Arcana (Int):
    • Not Proficient → +4 (Int +4)
  4. Athletics (Str):
    • Proficient → -1 (Str -1) + 6 (Prof) = +5
  5. Deception (Cha):
    • Expertise (Race + chosen) → +5 (Cha) + 12 (double Prof) = +17
  6. History (Int):
    • Not Proficient → +4 (Int +4)
  7. Insight (Wis):
    • Not Proficient → +4 (Wis +4)
  8. Intimidation (Cha):
    • Proficient → +5 (Cha) + 6 (Prof) = +11
  9. Investigation (Int):
    • Expertise → +4 (Int) + 12 (double Prof) = +16
  10. Medicine (Wis):
    • Not Proficient → +4 (Wis +4)
  11. Nature (Int):
    • Not Proficient → +4 (Int +4)
  12. Perception (Wis):
    • Proficient → +4 (Wis) + 6 (Prof) = +10
  13. Performance (Cha):
    • Not Proficient → +5 (Cha +5)
  14. Persuasion (Cha):
    • Expertise → +5 (Cha) + 12 (double Prof) = +17
  15. Religion (Int):
    • Not Proficient → +4 (Int +4)
  16. Sleight of Hand (Dex):
    • Proficient → +5 (Dex) + 6 (Prof) = +11
  17. Stealth (Dex):
    • Expertise (Ratfolk + chosen) → +5 (Dex) + 12 (double Prof) = +17
    • Also has advantage in dim or dark light (Prestigious Ratfolk feature).
  18. Survival (Wis):
    • Not Proficient → +4 (Wis +4)

Summary of Skill Highlights

  • Deception +17
  • Stealth +17 (with advantage in darkness/dim)
  • Persuasion +17
  • Investigation +16
  • Perception +10
  • Sleight of Hand +11
  • Intimidation +11
  • Athletics +5

Everything else is untrained, using only Ability mods.

Attacks & Spellcasting

Melee (Rapier)

  • Attack: +11 to hit (Dex +5, Prof +6)
  • Damage: 1d8 +5 (rapier) + possible Sneak Attack +6d6 once/turn

Ranged (Hand Crossbow)

  • Attack: +11
  • Damage: 1d6 + 5

(Adjust if you have a magic weapon)


Kutupa or Kurudi:

  • Damage = 1d4 + 8 (piercing) + 1d6 (psychic)

(On a critical hit, remember 2× the dice—2d4 piercing + 2d6 psychic—and the target has disadvantage on its next saving throw.)

Warlock Spell Attack

  • Spell Attack Bonus: +9 (Cha +3, Prof +6), or +11 if you bump Cha to 20
  • Spell Save DC: 8 + 6 + 3 = 17 (or 19 if Cha 20)

Warlock Spells

Cantrips (4–5):

  1. Eldritch Blast (if you want damage; else pick Chill Touch, etc.)
  2. Minor Illusion
  3. Mage Hand
  4. Friends or Message
  5. Prestidigitation might come from Ratfolk Mojo or can free a slot.

Lower-Level Spells (Pick 1–2 from each level up to 5th; total ~11 known):

  • 1st: Charm Person, Disguise Self (or at-will), Hex (if you want more damage), Silent Image
  • 2nd: Darkness, Invisibility, Misty Step
  • 3rd: Fear, Hypnotic Pattern, Fly or Counterspell
  • 4th: Dimension Door
  • 5th: Hold Monster, Synaptic Static

(You only have 2 slots, so pick carefully which big spells matter most. Also remember short-rest refresh.)

Magic Items (Key Highlights)

  1. Studded Leather +2: AC booster

  2. Rat King’s Ring (Homebrew version of “Rod of the Pact Keeper” + rodent synergy)

    • At-will Speak with Rats
    • Advantage on Charisma checks vs. rat-like creatures
    • +1 to Warlock Spell Attack rolls & Spell Save DC (like a Rod of the Pact Keeper if you want)
    • 1/day conjure swarm of rats under your control for up to 1 hour
  3. Cloak of Protection (+1 AC, +1 saves) for that near-divine aura

  4. Ring of Evasion

    • Charges: The Ring of Evasion has 3 charges.
    • Dexterity Saves: When you fail a Dexterity saving throw while wearing the ring, you can use your reaction to expend 1 charge and instead succeed on that saving throw.
    • Recharge: The ring regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

Background: Criminal (Variant) – “Benevolent Crime Boss”

  • Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth (or Sleight of Hand), etc.
  • Feature: Criminal Contact
  • Customization: He runs an entire district’s underworld but invests in protecting the poor.


  • Traits:
    • Speaks quietly; seldom rushes.
    • Genuinely cares about the city’s destitute.
  • Ideals:
    • Protect the downtrodden.
    • Use cunning & illusions to overthrow cruel powers.
  • Bonds:
    • Loyal to his “children”—the rats.
    • Has a complicated tie to his Patron.
  • Flaws:
    • Overconfidence in dealing with the Patron.
    • Struggles to trust even allies.

Final Notes

Mchunga Panya is a top-tier stealth operative (Expertise, advantage in dim light, high Dex). His Warlock side grants him telepathy, illusions, and a magical bond with rats that cements his near-godlike status in magic-poor Sayarii. The Rat King’s Ring is both a focus and a symbol of his power, further fueling rumors of divinity. With Lucky + high defenses, he’s slippery to pin down, and his familiar/swarms keep him in the city’s loop 24/7.


1. Early Life in Faerûn

  • Street Urchin Origins: Mchunga was born in the warrens beneath a sprawling Faerûnian port city (like Athkatla, Waterdeep, or any large metropolis). Ratfolk were extremely rare in Faerûn, so he was used to living in society’s shadows.
  • Petty Thief & Survivor: He spent childhood fending off rival urchins, forging quick friendships with the real rats of the undercity—always empathizing more with them than with the well-heeled city dwellers above. From a young age, it was clear he possessed uncanny cunning, especially in sniffing out hidden paths and survival opportunities.

2. Encounter with the Rat Demigod Patron

  • A God in the Gutter: While scavenging an abandoned Faerûnian temple’s basement, Mchunga stumbled upon a hidden shrine dedicated to a lesser-known rodent deity—an obscure Faerûnian rat demigod.
  • Mutual Fascination: Sensing the synergy in Mchunga’s innate connection with vermin, the Rat Demigod offered him a sliver of power in exchange for loyalty. Eager to gain true strength, Mchunga accepted. That moment formed the start of his Warlock pact.
  • Hidden Pact: At first, Mchunga only manifested subtle abilities: easier communication with rodents, flashes of telepathy, illusions to mask his presence from city guards.

3. The Portal Storm

  • Fateful Voyage: Desperate to escape a growing conflict in Faerûn (could be a local gang war, city crackdown, or being hunted for his new “heresy”), Mchunga stowed away on a merchant ship.
  • Chaos at Sea: Mid-journey, an unearthly Portal Storm ripped the ship from Faerûn’s seas and thrust it into the waters off Mchanga Hasira—the coastal region of Sayarii. Most aboard perished, but Mchunga survived, washing ashore in a battered state, accompanied only by a few faithful rats and the lingering presence of his curious Patron.

4. Arrival in Il-Wāāt ul’Ihāt Kathira

  • City of Sand & Steam: The desert metropolis was unlike anything Mchunga had known—steam-laden subterranean tunnels, seafront markets, a complicated tapestry of district politics, and very little overt magic.
  • Overlooked & Underdog: As a Ratfolk, the local population initially dismissed him as just another odd outlander. But Mchunga soon leveraged his Warlock abilities to earn scraps of influence: illusions to cheat unscrupulous merchants, telepathic contact with rats to glean rumors.

5. Rapid Rise: Building a “Rat Empire”

  • Carving a Niche: In a city riddled with social stratification, Mchunga quickly became a champion for the downtrodden—especially the poor who lived in Chini Kabisa (“the Underneath”), the dark tunnels below.
  • Expanding Rat Contacts: Where local thieves’ guilds used pickpockets and brutes, Mchunga had an army of real rats—spies able to slip through the city unnoticed. News of his near-omniscient infiltration spread, and soon even powerful crime lords learned to fear “The Rat.”
  • Benevolent Crime Boss: Rather than focusing on extortion, Mchunga used his connections to protect orphans, feed the hungry, and keep violent gangs out of impoverished neighborhoods. Word of his “miraculous” feats (rodents obeying him on command, illusions, unexplainable vanishings) gave him an almost divine reputation.

6. Patron’s Growing Influence & Jealousy

  • Open Secret: With each success, the Rat Demigod Patron realized how fertile Sayarii could be for influence—especially a world with minimal gods or high-level magic.
  • Uneasy Pact: Mchunga’s success fed the Patron’s ambitions; in turn, the Patron showered him with more power, letting him dominate the city’s underbelly. Yet this brought friction. The Rat Demigod sees Mchunga overshadowing him, fostering true devotion from the people. The Patron wants that worship for itself.
  • Balancing Act: Mchunga treads carefully, ensuring his Patron remains placated by subtle tributes and small expansions of “rat shrines,” while also continuing to champion the lower classes on his own terms.

7. Discovery of the Wapenzi Conspiracy

  • Watchengali & Dark Plans: Through conversations with the vampire lord Wachengali (Almawtaa District’s power), Mchunga uncovered whispers that the Wapenzi (the city’s semi-divine bee-hive rulers) might be planning to open a route back to Faerûn, hoping to enslave or murder those with innate “natural magic” for horrifying Thaumaturgic experiments.
  • Protecting Home: Although Mchunga was never a champion of Faerûn’s upper echelons, he cannot abide genocide—nor see his home plane subjugated. This crosses a moral line.
  • Potential Allies: Mchunga quietly cultivates alliances with rebellious city elements, including the player party, hoping to stop the Wapenzi’s budding empire.

8. Current Day: Benevolent “God” of Rats

  • Mchunga is revered by many in Il-Wāāt ul’Ihāt Kathira—especially in the poorest neighborhoods.
  • His Patron seethes with both pride and jealousy, fueling Mchunga’s Warlock spells while quietly demanding more shrines, more true worship from the populace.
  • The conflict with the Wapenzi looms large, overshadowing the city. Mchunga stands ready to help any heroes willing to thwart their monstrous designs—both to protect Faerûn and to keep his new homeland from descending into atrocity.

“Kutupa” & “Kurudi”

(The Twin Fangs of the Rat King)
Weapon (daggers), legendary (requires attunement)


These daggers are forged as mirror opposites.

  • Kutupa sports a slender, slightly curved blade, etched along the spine with faintly luminescent runic designs.
  • Kurudi bears runes along the cutting edge, forming an elegant inverse.
  • Both hilts are wrapped in supple black leather, ending in smooth opal pommels that catch the light with an otherworldly shimmer. Though they appear delicate, each dagger has a razor-fine edge that glints with silent menace.

Weapon Bonuses

  • Each is a +3 dagger.
  • Thrown (range 20/60): After making a ranged attack with one of these daggers, it instantly reappears in your hand (no action required).

Additional Damage

  • On a hit, each dagger deals its normal 1d4 + Dexterity modifier piercing damage, plus an extra 1d6 psychic damage. If you score a critical hit, the target also has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes before the start of your next turn.

Illusory Swarm (1/Turn)

Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with Kutupa or Kurudi, you can create a fleeting, nightmarish illusion of frenzied rats swarming over the fallen foe. Each enemy within 10 feet of that creature must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw (using the daggers’ magic) or become Frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Once per Short Rest: “Veil of Vermin”

As a bonus action, you can invoke the daggers’ hidden power to wreathe yourself in a swirling, illusory mass of squeaking rats. For the next 1 minute:

  1. Stealthy Shroud: You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, even if you’re in non-dim light.
  2. Fearsome Presence: You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks against creatures that can see or hear you.

This effect ends early if you are incapacitated or you dismiss it (no action required). Once used, it can’t be used again until you finish a short or long rest.

Attunement & Binding

  • You must be attuned to both Kutupa and Kurudi together; they count as one attunement slot.
  • If you willingly part with either dagger for more than 24 hours, the bond breaks, and you lose attunement to both.


Local Rumors:

  • The city’s underworld believes the blades contain living spirits of starved rats, caged by Mchunga’s pact.
  • Some claim Kutupa is “the Throw” that spares no distance, and Kurudi is “the Return” that always brings vengeance back to the wielder’s hand.
  • In hushed corners of Il-Wāāt ul’Ihāt Kathira, people whisper that the daggers are living proof Mchunga Panya is a vengeful specter of the poor, and none can outrun his “fangs.”

In Play:

  • The +3 bonus plus returning property makes them deadly ranged or melee weapons.
  • Extra psychic damage suits Mchunga’s fear-and-illusion style.
  • Illusory Swarm amplifies his “god-of-rats” aura, sending nearby foes into terror.
  • Veil of Vermin cements his infiltration and intimidation mastery—a perfect synergy for a 20th-level crime boss Warlock/Rogue.