Fortune Teller (Djinn in Disguise):
As the party approaches, the fortune teller, an older figure draped in vibrant, mismatched fabrics, peers at them from beneath a heavily shadowed hood. His eyes glint with a knowing light as he shuffles an ancient, worn deck of cards on a small, rickety table.

"Ah, travelers... lost in the winding streets of a city that never sleeps, where shadows and whispers are more plentiful than coin. Perhaps you seek more than just a way forward, yes? I’ve seen your faces pass by, time and again, like echoes of a forgotten song. Curious, it seems, that fate has brought you here to my humble corner."

He gestures to the small table, inviting them to sit.

"Come, come... let me peer into the threads of your destiny. The city speaks to me, you know. The streets themselves, the very stones—they remember much. For a simple price, I shall reveal what the city whispers about you... but first, a small test. Just two questions, nothing more."

The fortune teller leans in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

"To whom do you pledge your fealty? And to whom do you owe your loyalty? Answer truthfully, and I shall share a glimpse of what the future holds, though be warned—what you see may be more than just a reflection of your desires. Some truths are hidden within riddles, others within the folds of our own hearts."

He pauses, watching them with an intensity that belies his otherwise casual demeanor.

"Remember, the threads of fate are delicate, easily tangled by lies and half-truths. But those who see clearly, who choose wisely... they find the paths others cannot. And in this city, such paths often lead to treasures unseen by common eyes."

He smiles, a slow, enigmatic curve of the lips, as if he knows much more than he lets on.

"So... will you take the chance? Will you let the city and its secrets unfold before you? Answer well, and perhaps... perhaps you will be granted a key to unlock the mysteries that bind this place."