Idoli ya Mbusu wa Buibui ~ Idol of the Spider’s Kiss

Crafted from the teeth, eyes and distilled essences of the Sayarii Phase Spider, the Idoli ya Mbusu wa Buibui (Idol of the Spider’s Kiss) is an 8-inch tall carved wooden figure resembling a carved and decorated spider. It has a wide-open mouth filled with needle-sharp teeth made from Phase Spider fangs, and its eyes are crafted from shells with black pearl like objects embedded within.


Effect: Allows the user to slip partially into the Mahali Mizuka, becoming effectively invisible for 5 minutes while they can perceive the material plane through an oneiric haze. After 3 minutes, others may sense their presence if the user fails a stealth check at advantage, though they remain invisible, those in the vicinity become aware that someone is present,  Using the Idol again, will hide them again completely. 

Blood Cost: To use the Idoli ya Mbusu wa Buibui, the user must “kiss” the idol. The idol reacts with unsettling aggression, latching onto the user’s mouth and sliding its long, grotesque tongue into their throat. As it bites down on their lips with its needle-sharp teeth, it’s tongue injects a twisted poison that deals 1d8 damage and passes on the idols magic. The experience leaves the user’s mouth bloodied, their throat burning, and their body shaken. The damage cannot be healed magically and can only be recovered after a long rest. The idol can be used repeatedly, but each use inflicts additional damage, making each kiss a more harrowing ordeal than the last.