
Class Overview

tychodreq_an_arab_Thaumaturge_in_their_laboratory_4e847950-bbac-4dfd-97b5-4e7f545bebe1[1].pngThe Thaumaturge is a scholar and practitioner of magical arts, specializing in the creation of magical items and the harnessing of magical energies from preserved remains of magical creatures. Thaumaturges channel magic through careful study, preparation, and craftsmanship, often requiring a laboratory for their intricate work.

Primary Abilities: Intelligence, Dexterity

Thaumaturges rely on their intellect and understanding of magical theory, alchemy, and thaumaturgy, and intelligence and dexterity affect their ability to craft magical items and perform complex preservation methods.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Thaumaturge level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Thaumaturge level after 1st



  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: Simple weapons
  • Tools: Alchemist's supplies, Thaumaturge's kit (for preservation of creature remains), Laboratory (university, commercial house, or personal)
  • Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Religion



  • A Thaumaturge's kit (for preservation)
  • A scholar's pack or an explorer's pack
  • A simple weapon
  • A notebook (for recording preservation methods and academic notes)


Class Features


Thaumaturges do not cast spells in the traditional sense but create magical objects imbued with spell-like effects. They use Manyoya (feathers) for temporary effects and more permanent objects for lasting enchantments.

Magical Preservation

Thaumaturges learn to preserve magical creatures' remains, extracting and storing magical energies for later use. They record their methods and discoveries in their academic notebook, refining their techniques as they level up.

Magical Crafting

Starting at 1st level, Thaumaturges can craft simple magical items using preserved remains of magical creatures. As they level up, they can create more complex and powerful items.

Thaumaturgic Studies

All Thaumaturges possess the ability to understand the nature of Manyoya feathers or magic items. Through careful examination and study, they can potentially discern the properties and potential applications of these magical materials. Thaumaturges can make an Intelligence check to analyze Manyoya feathers or magic items, gaining insights into their nature, origin, and potential uses. The difficulty and details of the information obtained are determined by the GM.

Thaumaturgic Traditions

At 2nd level, Thaumaturges choose a specialization, such as Feather Magic, Alchemical Thaumaturgy, or Necromantic Arts. Each specialization grants unique abilities and bonuses.

These specializations provide a clear and balanced progression of abilities for the Thaumaturge class, with each path offering unique opportunities and challenges. By defining specific abilities at the 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th levels, players can look forward to meaningful growth and development within their chosen specialization.

Feather Magic

Feather Magic - Under Construction

2nd Level - Enhanced Manyoya Crafting:

  • Manyoya Mastery: Once per day, increase the number of uses or users of any given feather by 2.

6th Level - Feather Preservation Expertise:

  • Preservation Mastery: Reduce the chance of failure in preservation attempts with feathers by a specific percentage determined by the GM.

10th Level - Advanced Feather Affinity:

  • Feather Insight: Gain advantage on checks to detect and identify magical properties in feathers, and ability to discern more complex properties.

14th Level - Ultimate Manyoya Crafting:

  • Manyoya Artisan: Ability to craft unique Manyoya items with specialized effects, as determined by the GM.
Alchemical Thaumaturgy

Alchemical Thaumaturgy - Under Construction

2nd Level - Enhanced Permanent Object Crafting:

  • Crafting Mastery: Once per day, increase the number of daily uses for a successful Permanent Object utilization by 1.

6th Level - Material Efficiency:

  • Efficient Crafting: Reduce the amount of preserved magical essence required for crafting permanent objects by a specific percentage determined by the GM.

10th Level - Advanced Alchemical Insight:

  • Alchemical Expertise: Gain advantage on checks to identify and analyze alchemical substances and magical properties, and ability to discern more complex properties.

14th Level - Master Artificer:

  • Artificer's Wisdom: Ability to craft unique permanent objects with specialized effects, as determined by the GM.
Healing and Gastronomic Arts

Healing and Gastronomical Arts

Under Construction

Ability Score Improvement

Increase an ability score of the players choice by at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th levels.  

Thaumaturgic Preservation Mastery

At 18th level, you have achieved such mastery over your preservation methods that... 

Thaumaturgic Utilization Mastery

At the pinnacle of their craft, 20th-level Thaumaturges can XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX through their thaumaturgic prowess.

Thaumaturge Preservation and Utilization System

The Thaumaturge class in the world of Sayarii possesses unique abilities to preserve and utilize magical creatures for crafting magical items. This system is governed by two key processes: Preservation and Utilization, each with specific requirements and conditions.

Specific Magical Ability Definition

At the outset of any Preservation or Utilization attempt, the Thaumaturge must define the specific magical ability they are seeking to equip (for Manyoya or a Permanent Item creation. This definition guides the process and sets the parameters for the success or failure of the attempt.

Preservation (Intelligence Modifier) - Field Science

Preservation is the process of preserving the remains of magical creatures, extracting stabilizing and preserving the magical tissue(s) for later use. It must be performed on fresh specimens or those that have been frozen or cooled for transport. Working with older or decayed specimens may result in disadvantage modifiers, as determined by the GM. The success of the preservation operation determines the quantity/quality of the final preservation which is measured in "u" or Units. 

  • Complete Failure: No preservation is achieved.
  • Partial to Perfect Success: Successful preservation, with up to 4u of preserved material at the highest success level.

Utilization (Dexterity Modifier) - Laboratory Science

Utilization involves crafting magical items using the preserved magical energies. It is a laboratory science and cannot be performed in the field. There are two categories of utilization: Manyoya (feathers) and Permanent Objects, each with its own success matrix. 

Manyoya Utilization

Manyoya utilization focuses on imbuing feathers with temporary magical effects. A standard Manyoya utilization attempt costs 2u of preservation material from an appropriate specimen, as well as other alchemical materials and equipment. The success is determined by a d20 roll plus the Thaumaturge's Dexterity modifier: 

  • Complete Failure: No utilization is achieved.
  • Partial to Perfect Success: Successful utilization, with up to 10 uses or users at the highest success level.
Permanent Objects Utilization

Utilization of Permanent Objects involves crafting more lasting magical items. The process is more complex, and the success matrix reflects this. A standard permenent object utilization costs 4of preservation material from an appropriate specimen, as well as other alchemical materials and equipment.

  • Complete Failure: No utilization is achieved.
  • Partial to Perfect Success: Successful utilization, with up to 4 daily uses at the highest success level.

Preservation Success Matrix (Intelligence Modifier)

Roll + Modifier Result Material Preserved (Units)
1-5 Complete Failure 0u
6-10 Partial Success 1u
11-15 Success 2u
16-20 Great Success 3u
21-26 Perfect Success 4u
  • Complete Failure: The preservation attempt fails entirely.
  • Partial Success to Perfect Success: The preservation is successful, with the Quantity of preserved material (units u) increasing with the roll.

Utilization Success Matrix

Manyoya (Feathers) (Dexterity Modifier)

Roll + Modifier Result Uses/Users
1-5 Complete Failure 0
6-10 Partial Success 1
11-15 Success 2
16-20 Great Success 3
21-23 Perfect Success 4
24-25 Masterful Execution 6
26 Legendary Execution 8

Permanent Objects (Dexterity Modifier)

Roll + Modifier Result Daily Uses
1-10 Complete Failure 0
11-15 Partial Success 1
16-20 Success 2
21-23 Great Success 3
24-26 Perfect Success 4
  • Complete Failure: The utilization attempt fails entirely.
  • Partial Success to Perfect Success: The utilization is successful, with the number of uses or users (for Manyoya) or daily uses (for Permanent Objects) increasing with the roll.
  • Masterful or Legendary Execution (Manyoya only): Extraordinary execution, signs of a master of thaumaturgic craftsmanship - provides beween 2 and 4 additional uses. These feathers are often the archetypes handed off to Mwandishi for duplication. Manyoya in the category are 5 to 10 times as valuable as other variations. 


The Thaumaturge's Preservation and Utilization system offers a rich and nuanced gameplay experience, blending scholarly study, magical craftsmanship, and practical application. By emphasizing the field nature of Preservation and the laboratory requirement for Utilization, the system adds realism and complexity to the Thaumaturge's role. It allows players to explore the intricate world of magical crafting in both Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder systems, engaging with the unique abilities and challenges of the Thaumaturge.

Challenge Rating (CR) in Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder

The Challenge Rating (CR) is a numerical value used in both Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) and Pathfinder role-playing systems to represent the relative difficulty of a creature, trap, or other challenges. It serves as a guideline for Game Masters (GMs) to design encounters that are appropriately challenging for a group of player characters at a given level.

Usage in Determining Thaumaturge's Abilities:

In the context of the Thaumaturge class, the CR system can be applied to determine the level of magical creatures that a Thaumaturge can work with, preserve, and harness for magical crafting. As the Thaumaturge levels up, they gain the ability to work with creatures of higher CR, reflecting their growing expertise and mastery over more complex magical practices.

Examples and Extrapolation:

The examples provided in the Thaumaturge's level-to-CR table can be used in both D&D and Pathfinder systems. GMs can extrapolate from these examples based on their preference and the specific lore and magical creatures of their game world. The table serves as a flexible guideline, allowing GMs to tailor the Thaumaturge's abilities to fit the unique challenges and opportunities of their campaign.

Conclusion:The CR system provides a versatile and valuable tool for GMs, enabling them to balance encounters and design engaging challenges. By tying the Thaumaturge's abilities to the CR of magical creatures, the class offers a rich and immersive experience that can be adapted to both D&D and Pathfinder systems. It adds depth to the character's progression, aligning their magical crafting abilities with the challenges and rewards of the game world.

Thaumaturge Level to Challenge Rating Scale

  • Levels 1-5: The Thaumaturge can work with lower CR magical creatures, reflecting their initial learning phase.
  • Levels 6-10: The Thaumaturge's abilities expand, allowing them to work with more complex magical creatures.
  • Levels 11-15: The Thaumaturge can now work with even more powerful magical creatures, reflecting their mastery over intermediate magical practices.
  • Levels 16-20: The Thaumaturge reaches the pinnacle of their craft, capable of working with some of the most powerful magical creatures in existence.
Thaumaturge Level Max Challenge Rating (CR) Example Magical Creatures
1 0.125 Blink Dog
2 0.25-0.5 Pixie, Dust Mephit, Ice Mephit
3 1 Dryad, Imp
4 2 Gargoyle, Will-o'-Wisp
5 3 Manticore, Basilisk
6 4 Ghost, Lamia
7 5 Air Elemental, Flesh Golem
8 6 Chimera, Medusa
9 7-8 Stone Giant, Young Black Dragon
10 9-10 Bone Devil, Young Gold Dragon
11 11-12 Behir, Archmage
12 13-14 Adult Brass Dragon, Ice Devil
13 15-16 Adult Bronze Dragon, Purple Worm
14 17-18 Adult Blue Dragon, Marilith
15 19-20 Ancient White Dragon, Pit Fiend
16 21-22 Ancient Black Dragon, Lich
17 23-24 Ancient Bronze Dragon, Kraken
18 25-26 Ancient Gold Dragon, Tarrasque
19 27-28 Ancient Silver Dragon, Ancient Red Dragon
20 29-30 Tarrasque


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