The Adventures of the Brothers Il'Bahr - Episode 1

"The Adventures of the Brothers Il'Bahr" is a Manyoya story feather quest, serving as a versatile side quest for evenings when not all players can attend. The Manyoya feather magically transports the party into a narrative outside the main campaign, embodying characters within a richly detailed adventure. This particular quest involves the party becoming the Brothers Il'Bahr and accompanying tribes members, who brave the desert's dangers to rescue kidnapped members of their tribe from a band of raiders led by a djinn. It's an engaging, self-contained story that explores themes of courage, loss, and redemption. 

As a feather quest, the adventure is a fiction, a story dreamed into a deep blue Unyoya wa Kivuli Ndoto by the famous house Mwandishi Unabii in Il-Wāāt ul'Ihāt Kathira. These adventures are short one or two session adventures that can be played as a one off, or when party members are missing a game day, or when the players seem in a need of a change of scene, by introducing the adventure feather in an ongoing adventure. 

"The Adventures of the Brothers Il'Bahr" is an optional feather adventure in The Feather Magic Chronicles.

"The Adventures of the Brothers Il'Bahr" is a Manyoya adventure story series that is produced and sold out of the Unabii House of Mwandishi. These feathers are fairly rare, and quite costly. (generally north of $500 gold mzigo). Generally these Manyoya feathers are distributed and used by the elite classes in Il-Wāāt ul'Ihāt Kathira and other city states and are popular gifts.  

Backstory and Setup

The story begins as the party imbibes the Manyoya feather, each Player character joining in the story taking the feather upon their tongue and they are transformed and whisked away. The world around the players dims, and before them in the desert sits a shaman like figure in front of a fire. the Shaman looks up at the players a seems to fade away into the night and a voice, that of the oldest brother, Zahir, cuts through the darkness in narration as the party stares into the flames of the campfire.

ZahirSits.png"In the midst of a seemingly peaceful night under the vast, starlit sky, I, Zahir Il-Shams was jolted awake. The serenity of the oasis, which had always been a source of comfort, was shattered in an instant. The air, thick with the scent of danger, carried the unmistakable sounds of a raid underway.

I sprang to my feet, heart racing, as the realization hit—our tribe was under attack. Raiders had descended upon us like a shadow, swift and deadly. In the confusion, I reached out to my brothers, our eyes meeting in shared alarm and understanding. There were no words needed; the urgency of the moment bound us together.

As we rallied to defend our people, it became heartbreakingly clear that we were too late. The raiders, shadows woven from nightmare, had already breached the heart of our sanctuary, their sinister whispers of magic and steel filling the night. We fought with desperate courage, driven by the raw instinct to protect, but the chaos enveloped us, a storm of fear and confusion.

In the fray, a devastating truth emerged—my wife, along with many of our kin, had been taken, kidnapped. The pain of this realization pierced the chaos, lending a bitter edge to each strike, each parry. The battle raged around us, a maelstrom of violence that seemed to stretch into eternity.

As the first light of dawn began to touch the horizon, the raiders vanished as swiftly as they had appeared, leaving behind a void where once there was laughter and warmth. The oasis, our home, was now a site of loss, its tranquility replaced by the echoes of anguish.

Surveying the aftermath, the weight of our defeat was palpable. The physical void left by those taken was matched only by the gaping wound in our hearts. Amidst the smoldering remains of our once peaceful haven, the depth of our loss sunk in, an ache that seemed to consume all else.

Yet, as the day broke, a fierce determination took root amidst the grief. The events of that night, though they had taken so much, had also ignited a resolve within me and my brothers. Bound by our shared sorrow and an unwavering sense of purpose, we made a silent vow: to bring back those who had been torn from us, to restore what had been lost, or to fall trying.

This was the vow that I, Zahir Il-Shams, whispered to the dawn. A vow that now binds not just me but my brothers in arms—a pledge that carves our path through the sands, a journey etched in defiance and unity under the indomitable skies of Sayarii. Our tale had taken a turn, not just a story of loss but a testament to the unyielding will to reclaim what destiny had dared to take from us.

Their own lives and memories dim away to be forgotten, they become the brothers and their friends, their minds and memories of the raid fresh, anger and fear fill their hearts, the rescue of their families and friends of the utmost importance. 

The Setting - The Mchanga ya Damu

The Players

Zahir Il-Bahr: The eldest and most formidable of the brothers. His leadership and protective nature are the backbone of their group.

Fahim Il-Bahr: Second eldest, an experienced archer known for his charm and strategic mind. While beginning to show signs of age, his wit and archery skills make him an invaluable asset

Tamir Il-Bahr: Second youngest of the brothers. A magician and warrior, distinguished by his resolve and the depth of his recent loss.

Kadar Il-Bahr: Youngest Bahr, a spirited and agile swordsman. His youth and vigor bring a unique dynamism to the brothers' quest, providing swift action and passionate resolve

Malik Il-Rih: A family friend and fellow tribesman, known as "King of the Winds" for his unparalleled tracking skills. He offers his loyalty, protection, and guidance,

Ansanti Unal: A tribeswoman close to the Brothers Il-Bahr, and a renown archer and a stealthy hunter for the tribe. 



Jabari Aswad's Camp


They struggle against the wind and sting and rash of the violent sand filled winds. They don't want to lose time against the band of raiders they are pursuing, but the storm is making headway nearly impossible, and wiping the raiders tracks from the sand making their pursuit nearly impossible. 

The party struggles on, moving slowly south through the desert, pushing through the sand filled wind with the last of their strength. The storm begins to ebb as the sun begins to fall to the horizon, the glaring heat of the day quickly changing the air, the sands settle as the temperature of the wind chills. 

As the sun begins to set the party comes to the crest of a gargantuan dune, the brothers pause, their silhouettes etched against the waning light of the sun, like brushstrokes on the canvas of the dusk. Before them in the valley below, lay the camp of Jabari Aswad, a benevolent desert giant , his dwelling an enormous and colorful tent. The colossal form of a desert lizard, lay beside the tent, her scales a kaleidoscope of fiery sunset hues.

The beast's head rose, eyes like molten gold assessing the approaching party. Yet there was no hostility in her gaze, merely the solemn acknowledgment of kindred spirits in the desert's embrace. The brothers, seeing the creature's tranquil feel it is safe to approach. As the party approaches the giant reptile grunts, alerting the giant in the tent to the approaching visitors. 

Jabari Aswad, standing tall as an ancient baobab, comes to the door watches them come. His eyes, deep as the night sky, gleams with a wisdom that speaks of countless moons. As the brothers party draws near, his lips part in a smile, and the dunes themselves seem to welcome the party with the aroma of roasting meats, a salve to their weary souls.

Invited into the heart of the camp, beneath the celestial tapestry of the tent, the brothers were embraced by the warmth of a hearth and the fragrance of spiced delicacies. In this hallowed space, they shared their tale of sorrow and steel, of the night the Ghāzat Il-Ramal descended upon their tribe like a tempest of shadows, leaving in their wake the echoes of grief and the absence of loved ones—among them, the star of their hearts, Lina Il-Najm.

Jabari Aswad listened, his expression the stillness of the desert itself, absorbing every word, every nuance of their pain. When the tale was done, he spoke with a voice like the rumble of distant thunder, his words falling upon the brothers' ears like the rarest of desert rains.

"Iblis Il-Sharur," he intoned, "is a specter clad in the armor of the untouchable, a foe who wields the ephemeral as a weapon. He is invulnerable. But like the heart of the desert, every enigma bears a key. His is the basin of Illusta, a chalice that renders the intangible tangible."

The giant rose, his form a monument within the tent, and with a sweep of his hand, he conjured a map from the sands of the floor—a map that traced the veins of the desert to the sandstone cliffs known as Il'Safa Ul'Rumman, 'the Pomegranate Cliffs ', a name birthed from the crimson hue of the rock at dawn. "Within these cliffs," Jabari Aswad declared, "lies the erosion-wrought gateway to the temple, the Asrar Ul'Qasr, the Palace of Secrets, where the basin lies hidden."

He spoke of treacherous paths and whispered legends, of a temple that breathed with the old magic of the land, its chambers a labyrinth of history and enigma. To navigate the Asrar Ul'Qasr would be to dance with the past, to court the favor of Sayarii herself.

With a solemn nod, Jabari Aswad pledged his aid to the brothers. "The path ahead is woven with peril," he cautioned, "as intricate and deadly as the patterns of a sand viper's back. But I shall guide you to the cave where earth meets stone, where the wind sings of hidden doors. For the bonds of hospitality are sacred, and your quest is just."

As night descended upon the desert, a cloak of stars swaddling the dunes, the brothers found respite in the company of the giant. Around the fire, they forged a fellowship, a unity of purpose that would carry them into the heart of danger. In the flames, they saw the reflection of their resolve, and in the eyes of Jabari Aswad, they found an ally formidable as the desert itself.

Thus, as the first light of dawn cast its golden eye upon the world, the brothers set forth, guided by the map etched in the sand and the wisdom shared beneath the tent of the gentle giant. Their journey to the Ul'Safa Il'Rumman had begun, a quest that would test their bonds, their magic, and their mettle against the cunning of Iblis Il'Sharur and the riddles of the Asrar ul'Qasr.

The Temple at Mitema Ka Rodi ~ The Pomegranate Cliffs

Oasis Ka Shetan ~ The Djinn Iblis Il-Sharur's Settlement